

Lawyers Don’t Fight for Your Money

Feb 16, 2024 | Allen A. Ritchie | 0 comments

Allen's Answers - The truth about attorney ads.

You’ll see ads where lawyers say they will fight for every dollar. Well, they don’t. Fight, that is. The law is more a mental skill than a physical one. Here is the reality of what you will see.

Any lawyer who screams or pounds the table in a courtroom may find him or herself in jail. I do not know any lawyer who got more money for a client by treating anyone to a fight. If that happened, it would upset the judge and be off-putting to the jury – which I suspect would take it out on the offending lawyer’s client.

In the legal business, either you can prove what happened, well, really did happen, or you can’t.

Now, a lawyer being thorough can mean more money to you. For example, checking video cameras or recruiting knowledgeable experts can help prove your case. But this is best done by methodically going through all the options. Why don’t you see this on TV? That image – though reality — does not make for a dynamic 30-second commercial.

Bottomline – choose determined over showy. By the way, my partner, Jason Steele, is especially known for his methodical approach to covering cases.

Let me give you one more tip in judging lawyer commercials. If you never get to speak with the person you see on the screen, you probably need to be at a better place. Every lawsuit requires many different people working towards the same goal, but you should be able to meet with the head person.

Jason and I strongly believe if you call us, you can meet with us. You have the right to know the people who are outthinking the other lawyers.

If you are injured in a traffic accident or suffer any other personal injury like an on-the-job injury, nursing home neglect incident, slip, and fall, or boating accident, you can talk to us at the law firm of Steele Ritchie for free. We genuinely want to help. We are local attorneys with decades of experience helping people, especially in the southwest Mobile area. Give us a call at (251) 666-1212.

Allen Ritchie

Alabama Personal Injury Lawyer
