

Turkey Fry: Boys Just Want to Have Fun

Dec 2, 2022 | Allen A. Ritchie

fire blazing

Courtesy: YouTube

Last week, I praised the deep-fried turkey and suggested that burning down the house was not a great Thanksgiving tradition. So, what have we learned from these great pieces of wisdom? Not much, apparently.

As an example, a thoughtful reader sent along this deep-fried turkey video. It is a reminder that we should all renew our homeowner’s insurance.


It is nice that Teddy took the advice not to fry the turkey inside the house. He did not take the suggestion to have a fire extinguisher handy — sort of a mistake.

Since you probably come here for information about the law, not for me to pass judgment on stupid, here we go.

Intentionally burning down your house can void most insurance claims. The insurance adjuster will argue that Teddy knew the danger and did it anyway. Add to this that his wife/girlfriend taped the whole thing, so a jury can now see what happened in real time. In the video, she admits she is scared to go outside. That is not a good statement for Teddy’s case.

Good news for the neighbors. If their houses burn down due to Teddy’s exploding turkey, it will most likely be considered an accident, and most insurance policies cover accidental fires. The next-door folk may have to live in a motel or doublewide while the house is rebuilt, but it will be rebuilt. To summarize, if you think your neighbors like to explode turkeys, check with your insurance agent … soon.

Deep frying has one benefit I heard of this past week. Here is what happened. Someone didn’t close the door, and the family dog escaped to roam the neighborhood and nearby woods. A quick-thinking uncle grabbed a turkey leg and started running down the street. The pooch came safely home.

Now you are hopefully home safe from your Thanksgiving travels, full of good food, and getting ready to do it all again at the end of this month. Why we do what we do is a mystery.

Happy holidays from all of us at Eiland & Ritchie. Stay safe.

Join us on NBC 15 LawCall here in Mobile every Sunday night at 10:30, right after the news. We are taking a fall break and will offer 5-minute segments for the rest of the year and a live call-in segment every Monday on NBC 15 at around lunchtime. You can also call the Eiland & Ritchie offices at (251) 666-1212. We specifically set aside a few hours Monday morning to answer your questions

Allen Ritchie

Alabama Personal Injury Lawyer
