

AL Construction Work: High Pay, Serious Danger

Mar 25, 2022 | Allen A. Ritchie, Personal Injury, Wrongful Death

Construction job injuries


If you tried to get a new roof or a driveway poured, you know construction workers are in high demand in the Mobile area. They are so in need, and the pay is so high, that some Alabamians with little construction training are attempting to get into the trade.

Here is the problem: construction workers are getting hurt — some seriously. The federal government reports that 60% of construction accidents happen within a worker’s first year. Another shocker – one-fourth of all construction workers will be injured sometime during their working life.

Heavy machinery accidents, collapsing beams, falls off ladders or rooftops can lead to hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical bills. Even more shocking, our state usually has more than a dozen construction deaths each year.

Major construction companies carry insurance to cover compensation to employees during such tragedies. However, one of the ugly truths is that no matter how much money companies have paid in premiums, insurance groups are under no obligation to pay out top dollar. In my experience, these insurance companies will put up a serious fight, especially if the injuries are severe.

Here is some advice: get medical treatment immediately after you are injured. Those x-rays and doctors’ notes will be invaluable. I tell you this because fellow workers and employers have encouraged some of my clients to buck up and press on. If you don’t get immediate medical care, it can appear that you are not that seriously injured. This hesitancy can significantly impact your compensation.

It might also surprise you how often I see that an accident is caused because a company has taken shortcuts that impact employee safety. Alabama law does not like companies putting profits over employee protection.

If you suffer from a personal injury like a construction accident, auto/railroad wreck, wrongful death claim, or slip and fall, you can talk to us at the Law Firm of Eiland and Ritchie for free. We want to help you get back on your feet.

Also, join us on NBC 15 LawCall here in Mobile every Sunday night at 10:30, right after the news. We will take your calls live. We do like answering your questions. We also have lawyers standing by at our offices on Monday mornings.

Allen Ritchie

Mobile Personal Injury Attorney
