

The Law & Cheering Team USA from AL

Jul 23, 2021 | Allen A. Ritchie

Olympic Medals


It is summer; it is the Olympics. Let’s party!

You can root on Team USA, but if there is alcohol involved, Alabama will hold someone responsible. It just may be you.

Here are some of the rules for hosting a party with alcohol in our state.


Minors (people under 21 years old) cannot legally drink alcohol under any circumstances in Alabama. It does not matter if they are serving in the military, claim religious reasons, or their parents gave them permission.

If minors bring alcohol to your home, you are required to stop their consumption. Failure to do so could be a criminal act resulting in jail time and a fine – for you.


If a young drinking person hurts someone or damages property, the parents can be held responsible even if the parents did not provide the alcohol.


Though hosts are not legally responsible for the actions of adult drunk guests (the guests are liable), you may feel morally responsible. An accident that kills someone after a drinking guest leaves your house can burden you for decades. I have seen it totally destroy marriages and life-long friendships.

Let me give you some non-legal advice that I have found helpful. Post the phone numbers of cab and ride-sharing services near the front door and backyard gates. I have handled several cases where drunk drivers hit people. It is a tragedy that I hope you never have to face.

If you suffer a personal injury like an auto accident, or slip and fall, you can talk to us at the Law Firm of Eiland and Ritchie for free. We want to help you get back on your feet.

NBC 15 LawCall, the legal call-in show we help host here in Mobile, will be off the air for a few weeks as NBC provides extensive Olympic coverage. We hope you will join us Sunday nights at 10:30 once we return to take your legal questions live.

Go, Team USA!

Allen Ritchie

Alabama Personal Injury Lawyer
