

Explain: Hurt Kids and Lawsuit Money in AL

May 22, 2018 | Allen A. Ritchie

Injury AT A Business

Alabama law has stepped in to make sure money awarded to an injured child goes to help that child.

In the past, stories of relatives spending a child’s money and leaving nothing for the child seemed common place. Today, there are safeguards to prevent that happening.

Now, it is true that the parents will receive the money awarded to a child, but Alabama requires that it be maintained in a separate account. This way it is much easier to determine what is being spent and for what.

Another safeguard is that any award over $5000 must be approved by the court. An actual fairness hearing is required in which a judge will look at things such as — is the settlement fair to the child, are the expenses reasonable and are the fees to the attorneys in line with established norms. The goal here is to insure that the most money reasonable goes to help the injured child.

Protecting hurt children is of special concern to me. I cannot think of anything that pulls at my heartstrings more. It takes a lot of effort to navigate the special laws involving children, but it is worth the effort. Some of my clients have had to live decades on the proceeds he or she received from a legal settlement. It is our job, the parents and me, to see that that money is available.

If you or your child is injured, you can talk to us at the Law Firm of Eiland and Ritchie for free. We have millions of dollars awarded to our clients and truly want to help you get your life back together.

You can also ask your questions live every Sunday night on the TV show Local 15 LawCall here in Mobile. We are on right after the 10 PM News.

Allen Ritchie

Mobile, AL personal injury attorney
