

The Insurance Stall, Get a Lawyer

Nov 16, 2017 | Allen A. Ritchie

Allen's Answers

Insurance Claims

Why won’t the insurance company pay up? Why is my case taking so long? Where is my money? These are questions you can hear at Thanksgiving dinner, football Saturdays and even lawyers’ offices. The answer can be one of many reasons, but there is one I have found that is more likely than the rest.

Here is the shocker to most people:  insurance companies make more on their investments than on their premiums. Yes, the longer they can keep your money the more they make. If they don’t pay quickly, they can make a nice profit; while you can’t pay your rent.

Another insurance company trick is trying to convince you to represent yourself. Of course you can, but you shouldn’t.

There are a lot of tricks that can be used to get you to settle for pennies on the dollar. I tell my clients that if it is a small amount, it is ok to try to negotiate it themselves. But I do warn them to assume everything they say is being recorded. The adjuster is not on their side and is looking for inconsistencies that might lower the amount the company has to pay. On a bigger claim, you really need a professional on your side.

Here is one other thing insurance companies don’t want you to know – adjusters tend to deal with people who have attorneys first. The reason is simple – having to deal with lawyers can cost an insurance company more money. The insurance company generally wants to get rid of possibly time-consuming cases quickly. My job is to make sure it is for top dollar.

If you have questions especially about injury law including car wrecks, slip and fall and wrongful death, you can talk with the lawyers at Eiland and Ritchie for free. There is no cost until we collect for you. We want to help you get back on your feet.

Allen Ritchie

Personal Injury Attorney
