

Lawyers Saving Football

Sep 15, 2017 | Allen A. Ritchie

Let’s talk football. Here in Alabama we love our game, but nobody wants to see his or her child hurt or permanently disabled. Step in the lawyers.

If it were not for the lawyers, the game would be more dangerous and more people would be sidelined. It is the threat of lawsuits that make manufacturers produce better equipment and team organizers to use that equipment.

And who sounds the alarm when universities put profits over safety? In one lawsuit, it was alleged that brain damage was so severe that some student athletes could not even finish school or find jobs after their football years.

Pursuing these lawsuits is not easy on the families of the injured people. They can come under criticism as greedy opportunists who are trying to destroy the game.

I see families I represent come under that same sort of scorn. I have clients that actively do not want to sue anyone. The law is here to help those who have been harmed but unless someone stands up and fights nothing will ever change. Most often, in the end, they find the courage to help their loved one.

I look forward to many years of autumn Saturdays with friends and family. I also want to sit with healthy former players and relive the victories and find excuses for the defeats.

Enjoy the game this weekend. It does get safer every year because a few people – families, athletes and lawyers – work to make it safer for all of us.

If you have questions especially about injury law including car wrecks, slip and fall and wrongful death, you can talk with the lawyers at Eiland and Ritchie for free. There is no cost until we collect for you. We want to help you get back on your feet.

Allen Ritchie
Personal Injury Attorney
