

Allen’s Answers

Alabama DUI Law Could Change

  Did you know that for the past 5 years, many convicted drunk drivers in our state have had to install an ignition interlock device if they wanted to drive? This sophisticated piece of equipment tests whether they have been drinking by requiring them to blow...

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Termites in Mobile: Call a Lawyer

  If you see termites, I say, “See a lawyer.” If you have a termite prevention plan, you should be termite free. Right? That is what you bought the plan for. Well, look out for those termites ‘cause they’re coming. This time of the year is swarming season in...

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Smoking Tires Could Mean Jail Time

Heard that super loud revving engine sound on your street? Perhaps you have seen the tire tracks left by someone doing a figure eight in your cul-de-sac? Well, what we used to call drag racing is now called exhibition driving, and Alabama’s mayors say they have had...

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